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Home | Blog |Tips to Keep Your House Warm Until the Spring

Mar 05

Tips to Keep Your House Warm Until the Spring

By Maid in Jersey City

With this cold weather, it’s hard not to crank up the heat and resort to a pile of blankets, layers upon layers of clothing and hot chocolate to suffice, but is it enough? Still looking for ways to keep your house warm? To help you make your house warm and cozy, here are a few excellent tips to achieve it!

Just five tips to make sure that your house is warm:

1. Install a smart thermostat.

For this winter, an excellent way to keep your house warm it to install a smart thermostat. Amazingly sophisticated, it will intelligently control your furnace by using motion sensors to detect your presence and change heating setting accordingly.

You also can adjust the temperature using mobile apps, and over time, they'll learn to predict your schedule and even factor local weather forecasts into the equation. Using a smart thermostat would mean saving up to 10 percent a year on heating and cooling costs, according to the US Department of Energy!

2. Light up your fireplace.

To keep your house warm, make use of your fireplace and gather some wood to light it up. This method is can be energy-efficient but only if you know what to do to make the warm air stay in and keep the cold are out.  It is also an excellent way to heat up the place and enjoy family time roasting marshmallows or popping corn.  It can surely make your home cozy and fuzzy this winter.

3. Put a rug down.

Wooden floors might look lovely, but that doesn’t change the fact that heat can escape right under your feet. First, find the area that feels the coldest on your bare feet.  By putting a warm throw rug or large area rug down, it helps to retain heat in the room, ensuring that your toes stay toasty.  

4. Open the curtains when the sun is shining.

Once the sun is up, you should capture as much of that free heat as possible. Even if it’s cold, the sun is still warm. So, before you leave your house for the day, open the curtains or blinds to let some light in. Of course, if there are specific parts of a house that don’t get sunlight, there is no need to open those curtains.  

When the sun is down, you want to keep that sustained heat from leaving by closing the curtains or blinds.  One way to help retain the heat when you want it is by getting insulated curtains for your windows.  Those insulated curtains will even help to keep the heat out on hot days so the house will feel cooler and you will not need to run the AC unit as often.

5. Keep rooms warm by closing certain rooms.

If you like spending time in the living room, you can close doors to places that aren’t in use, and that will help keep your room warmer.   Also, you can close doors to rooms that are not in use, just make sure to close the heat vents in those rooms, too. By doing so, the warm air will flow a little quicker and just warm the rooms that you want to be heated.

By using these tips, your house will stay warm and cozy until the warmer spring weather finally comes. Apply the most efficient way to heat a home. Even a warm home needs to be cleaned and you are pressed for time, you can always hire a professional house cleaning service.  Their cleaning service is designed with you in mind so you can decide if you need it done weekly or just occasionally.