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Home | Blog |Simple Guide to a Minimalist Office Workspace

Oct 30

Simple Guide to a Minimalist Office Workspace

By Maid in Jersey City

So, how minimalist is your workspace? An organized and uncluttered workspace is a thing of beauty.  What exactly is a minimalist office workspace? Depending on the person you ask, it is a question that has various answers.

The ultimate minimalist office workspace would be one that has no desk, no papers, no computer, or anything of the kind. It would be a workspace composed of just yourself. You would think and talk, and just sit on the floor.

Well, of course, that will not work for most of us. It is more beneficial to look at our minimum requirements and concentrate on designing a workspace that addresses these essentials and nothing else.

So, the fundamental step is to recognize your requirements for working. Additionally, acknowledge what is vital to your workflow. If possible, simplify and streamline those requirements and workflow. Then, once you have got it down to a minimum, see what the minimum setup would be for those essentials and your workflow. Then eliminate everything else unnecessary.

Tips for Creating Your Personal Minimalist Workspace

Once you have determined your minimum requirements, here are some great pointers to make your workspace as minimalist as possible from CRP Cleaning Cincinnati. Bear in mind though; not all tips will work for your advantage. So, choose and pick the ones that will work for you.

  • Have a Unified Inbox.

If Paper is an integral piece of your life, then place an inbox tray on your desk. Make sure ALL paperwork, including phone message notes, sticky notes, and to-do reminders, go into this tray. One way to achieve a minimalist office workspace is to avoid leaving papers sprawled all over your desk. Well, unless you are currently working on them at this moment.

  • Utilize a “working file” folder.

It is for Papers you are working on, yet not at this time. However, you should put this working file folder in a drawer or on a designated shelf. That way, it is not scattered on the table and being a hindrance while you work.

  • Clear out your inbox each day

There should be nothing going back in your inbox after you process them. It is not a storage bin. Make sure you double check your work, so you avoid doing revisions.

  • Clear your desktop.

Aside from your trusty computer, your inbox paraphernalia, your cell phone, and, perhaps, a nice photo or two of a loved one, Nothing should be on top of your desk. Clear as much of unnecessary clutter off as humanly possible. Accomplish it, and you are one step closer to attain an ideal minimalist office workspace.

  • Get rid of knick-knacks.

Pretty much like the same with one above. However, many people don’t even think about all the little trinkets they have on top of their desk. They’re usually unnecessary. Toss them!

  • Clean the walls.

Many people have placed all sorts of stuff pinned up on their walls. No matter the significance or sentimental value an item holds, while it is up on your wall, it creates visual clutter. Get unnecessary stuff off your walls. Invest in getting a bulletin board, where you can pin vital information in an organized fashion.

  • Clear your computer desktop.

Many people, especially women, are guilty of having an endless number of icons on their computer desktop. Keeping icons on your PC's desktop is inefficient. If a file or app is necessary to open many times a day, you can use a hotkey to call them up.

  • Eliminate unnecessary tools.

Think about each tool you have on your desktop, within your work area, and even in your office. Do you actually require a stapler and hole puncher? Are all those pens necessary? Do you honestly need a fax machine? You may not have control over all these tools. However, if you do, get rid of the ones you do not need from your desk. Place them in an organized fashion in an office cabinet or storage room for future use or when the need arises.

  • Simplify your filing.

It is useless to keep paper copies of documents or files you have on your computer, or can access online.  Concerned about losing them? Backup stuff on a flash disk, thumb drive, or using cloud storage online. Having your files and stuff digitally makes them searchable. Which makes it much better than filing physical paper documents. Just archive everything, and search when necessary.

  • Purge what is not necessary

Go through each of your drawers, one drawer at a time, then take out all the contents. Check each item, then discard everything you no longer need. Drawers are far pleasing to use if you can open them and see the contents all organized. Have an assigned spot for each item. Furthermore, make sure to place items back in their respective places, immediately after use, every time.