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7 Cleaning Hacks For Any Holiday Gathering In Home

7 Cleaning Hacks For Any Holiday Gathering In Home

Hosting a holiday family reunion is not easy work. There are always last-minute changes, you have to clean the guest’s rooms, not to mention cook a delicious Christmas dinner. And above all, cleaning? Well, someone has to do it. But don’t worry so much, because there are some tricks you can apply to reduce the amount of work a little. Keep reading to find our Christmas cleaning checklist and some tips to do it better and faster.

Deep clean one week before

Don’t leave everything for the last minute. One of the best Christmas cleaning tips is to divide the amount of work into two stages: the cleaning you can do in advance and the cleaning you can do the previous day. For example, you can’t set the table with days of anticipation. Still, you could prepare the guest’s rooms, vacuum the floors, and deep clean the furniture.

Focus on the busiest areas of your house

In which areas your guests are going to gather? Usually, holiday celebrations are all about the kitchen, living room, and of course, the bathroom. You may be tempted to clean the entire house, but it’s better if you just focus on these areas, because you’re definitely going to need time to do other things.

Remove the clutter

Days before the event, take that extra-large basket of laundry and put it in the washing machine and remove items out of place like toys, clothes, and books. Do this in every room. Furthermore, if you are expecting several people, consider moving some furniture to make extra space. Give instructions to your family for this new order to be protected.

Make space for extra bags and clothes

Maybe you feel confident with your cleaning, but will your guests have enough space? Even when a house is clean and well-organized, your guests will have an uncomfortable experience if their luggage is poorly accommodated. You don’t want a holiday gathering where suitcases are on the couch and coats are on chairs. Prepare your house with anticipation! Make space in closets and rooms for all the things your guests will bring.

Freshen up the bathroom

Of course, you can’t forget the bathroom. There are three essential rules for cleaning your bathroom for the holidays. Number one: supply. Put some liquid soap, store lots of toilet paper, hang some towels. Number two: all in plain sight. Guests have this tendency never to find anything. Number three: clean! Deep clean one week before, and fast clean the previous day.

Set the table

The day has finally arrived. You are cooking, receiving guests, coordinating the last details, but you look at the clock and realize that time has passed by. And the table isn’t ready, and you are not dressed up. As a suggestion, do these two things first. Unless your homework can stain clothes, be prepared since morning. Also, the table. Eat breakfast in the living room if necessary. You will appreciate the peace of mind of having these two essential things ready on time.

Prepare for post-party cleaning

The secret for a more enjoyable holiday is to clean fast after. Plan your strategy with anticipation. There is a lot of tricks you can apply. You could prepare a tub with a plastic bag with water and put all the dirty dishes there. You can also tell everyone to leave their shoes at the front door to avoid unwanted mud on the floor. Also, you can use edibles dishes to free yourself from washing work.

What do you think? If you apply these useful tips. Surely you will manage better your cleaning chores. If you don’t have the time for cleaning, you can also call us to do you a quotation for a cleaning service.