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Home | Blog |Effective Post-Construction Cleanup for Your Office


Building a new house or office is exciting. You’ve got tons of decorating ideas in mind, and you can’t wait for the finished product! Of course, there are a couple of things you need to do every now and then. Don't overlook them!

The next steps you need to consider is the post-construction cleanup. Well, at least while paperwork and last minute purchases are being handled.

Yes, it’s a big task, and it’s one for the cleaning professionals! Have you ever wondered what goes into a massive cleaning project of this nature though? Well, here’s all you need to know about post construction cleanup for your home or office.

Post-Construction Cleanup for Your Office that You Need to Know

1. Removal of Leftover Material and Debris

There's a lot of material and residue that get left over after a construction project. These include hardened cement, sand, dust, adhesives, and paints. Wood bits, if carpentry work was also carried out.

The first step is to take the extra material and large debris outside. Once it's done, you’ll have a newly constructed, empty living or office space.

2. Multiple ‘Rough’ Cleaning Processes

The first cleaning process involves removing dust from every surface in the house or office. It takes repeated vacuuming, sweeping and wiping of surfaces. All just to remove 90% of dust and fine debris. You can start with cleaning the ceilings, walls, windows, doors and other surfaces before doing the floors.

Bathrooms also need 2-3 cleaning processes before you can say it's clean. Adhesives, cement and paint stains are also removed. Use special products and tools so that you don't damage any surface.

3. Thorough Cleaning

A thorough cleanse also involves a lot of things. Such as wiping and washing surfaces, sweeping and mopping floors and scrubbing bathrooms.

It takes a minimum of three times to get an entire space clean and presentable. This is because construction work of any sort leaves fine dust and debris. You can't vacuum or sweep them up in one go.

Thorough post-construction cleanups may also involve getting down on your hands are knees to scrub surfaces till they are stain-free. Even so, after this phase is complete, your new home or office is one step away from being ready to decorate!

4. Final Touches

Here’s where you have to pay close attention to detail. From door frames, window frames and doorknobs/handles. To fixtures/faucets and switchboards. Every minute detail must be cleaned before you can consider your cleanup complete.

Glass panes and kitchen cabinets are also major components to be considered in the final touches of cleaning. Lastly, you can use a buffing machine to ensure that every inch of the ceiling is as clean as your gleaming floors!